
Bird Week I

The oldest bird in Lower Saxony


Noch unbeschriebener „Singvogel“ aus der Fossillagerstätte Willershausen/Niedersachsen; späte Pliozän-Zeit, ca. 3 Mio. Jahre alt. Fast vollständig artikuliertes Skelett – Schädel und Hals sind abgerissen, Flügel und Körper mit Deck-, Unter- und Schwungfedern, Brust- und Gabelbein sind ebenso vorhanden.

At 3 million years old, a songbird from the southern Lower Saxony Pliocene fossil lagerstätte Willershausen in the Northeim district is the oldest bird in Lower Saxony. The State Natural History Museum will present this unique fossil at a special event on November 17, 2022. The specimen was discovered in 1972, but was in various private collections for 50 years before it was acquired for the state of Lower Saxony in early summer this year. The unique specimen can be seen by the public from November 18-27, 2022 ("Bird week I").