The Dankwarderode castle is closed until further notice.
There is a wide range of medieval works of art – although these were never systematically collected. The focus is on works with a connection to Brunswick and the Guelfs. Among these works is the original of the Brunswick Lion as well as reliquaries from the legendary treasure of the Guelfs. The most important item of this treasure is the so-called Blasiusarm – the worldwide oldest arm reliquary still extant. Other items include valuable book covers, the ‘Runenkästchen’ – a small Anglo-Saxon casket – and an ivory casket of Carolingian times, the imperial cloak of Otto IV and a richly ornamented saddle from the 15th century. Other highlights include the liturgical paraments such as chasubles and altar hangings of which a representative selection is on display.
Braunschweiger Löwe, 1160er Jahre
© Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Armreliquiar des Heiligen Blasius, um 1040 (Braunschweig?)
© Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, B. P. Keiser
Prunksattel, Mitteleuropa, 1. Hälfte 15. Jahrhundert
© Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Claus Cordes
Kästchen aus Gandersheim, sog. Runenkästchen, Südenglisch / Angelsächsisch, spätes 8. Jh.
© Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Phone +49 531 1225-2406
Fax +49 531 1225-2408
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Museumstr. 1
38100 Braunschweig
Phone +49 531 1225-2401
Fax +49 531 1225-2408
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
Museumstr. 1
38100 Braunschweig